Choke coil

Choke coil capacitor input rectifier(C-INPUT)
Name Rating Allowable current DC resistance Data
WLC-15-150D 15H150mA
WLC-10-200D 10H200mA 260mA 115Ω  TANGO WLC-10-200D
WLC-5-250D 5H250mA
WLC-3-350D 3H350mA
WLC-2-450D 2H450mA
Choke coil capacitor input rectifier(C-INPUT) Cut core use
Name Rating Allowable current DC resistance Data
WTC-160-15W 160H15mA (40H30mA) 20mA(40mA) 1160Ω(290Ω)
WTC-60-35W 60H35mA (15H70mA) 50mA(100mA) 730Ω(183Ω)
() is the value when connected in parallel the two windings.
Choke input rectification(L-INPUT)
Name Rating Allowable current DC resistance Data
In the case of choke input, so you are choke to high AC voltage is applied, the magnetic flux leakage and humming noise will increase from capacitor input.


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